Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's just quiet

So often, when I get home from work, after tending the kitties, I have the TV on for noise, news and entertainment, or at least, diversion... Not quite the same. Tonight, there was nothing that struck me as noisy, newsy, entertaining or diverting on the TV. I could turn to the radio or other music, but the music I have tonight are the road noises of the Loop, which is basically a limited access highway around the city, and the occasional vehicle going down the street.

I have been visited periodically by a cat who is looking for attention, then leaves.

I have done some computering, and some reading...

Mostly, I am just being. If the mosquitoes were not the size of mayflies, it would be a great night to sit outside, but the powers that be advise staying inside, and they are correct, what with the various mosquito borne illnesses (not malaria) that we have in this part of the world...

Tomorrow, I have an appointment, and Thursday, a class, after work, so truly, it is right to have a down night tonight.

I am reading "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" for the reading circle I have joined...This has lead me to read books I might not otherwise have chosen, and to enjoy them... So, I am glad of that.

I am just trying to expand my horizons, interests, knowledge base, and contacts in the world... And to keep my mind active....
