Saturday, July 10, 2010

Getting Weepy

My movie viewing intelligence quotient is pretty low... I like feel good with lots of schmaltz movies, such as are aired on the Hallmark Channel:  I do not apologize for this. I do not explain.  I just tell you that the stories have a "feel good" story line that I like, and sometimes, weep over.

I think my life needs some "feel good."  My work exposes me to some of the worst of the worst criminals in Texas.  Granted, they are mentally ill, but so many of their crimes are so heinous, that it really assaults your psyche.  Whether or not you want to admit it...

So, feel good and schmaltz is not so bad...

Having said that, I like police investigative shows, attorney shows, and lay mysteries (Miss Marple, Jessica Fletcher) . They are fun and diversionary...

But, I can spend an afternoon or evening watch the feel good movies on the Hallmark Channel....Oh well.



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