Recognition is important in our lives. It comes in many forms. Birthday greetings are a form of recognition. The one day out of the year we remember to tell people we are glad that they are in our lives. If simply by saying "Happy Birthday." It is not difficult nor does it cost anything. But it means a lot to people. Cards, cakes, and gifts are nice, but really, those are also statements of recognizing someone's special day.
Well done is another thing we do not say much. But we should. If I do something and someone tells me I did well, it means a lot to me. Because I know that, I try to tell people when they do things well, too.
Thank you. A heartfelt thank you is an awesome way to let someone know you appreciate them. And saying "I appreciate you" vs. "I appreciate it" can be heartwarming.
Certificates are another simple thing that recognizes someone, are not expensive, but give a positive message to people.
There are so many easy yet meaningful ways to recognize people, yet this tends to be something we fail to do regularly. Maybe I can start by saying thank you to anyone who reads my blog, and letting you know I appreciate feedback and comments.
Labels: kindness, lesson in life, recognition
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