Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Last week, a co-worker paid me in advance for a knitting project.  I felt an obligation to complete it quickly, and I did. 

Since then, I have taken on several other knitting project orders.  Additionally, I have several books that I want to read, and the deadlines (books due, discussion club dates) are looming.  So, I am feeling like I want to work on those on a regular basis.  And, do the knitting.  I can watch TV and knit at the same time, but not read and watch TV.  And, I can not read and knit.

So, I have been keeping myself consistently busy.  In addition, I have had some other projects, all of which I enjoy, but take time.

And, I am feeling behind at work, so it is not unusual for me to spend between 9 and 10 hours at work, instead of 8 plus lunch.

I was visiting on the phone tonight with a friend. I could not focus to even think what to talk about. She made the point I need to rest and de-stress, wind down.  She was right. (Thank you.)  Although I enjoy reading and knitting, doing it under an even self imposed deadline puts the pressure on.  So, maybe I have been pressing too much, and I needed a night off. 

I took one.  I have knitted some, and read some, but I spent some time with mindless solitaire.  It helps my brain to empty out.

Which is good.  The fact that I have been unable to keep up with regular blogging was an early sign that my brain was too tense, too overwhelmed to relax as it needed to. It still is, but I am feeling a little better tonight...

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