I Really Like My Job
I was really looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday, which provided me with 4 days off from work. I did not have extensive or extravagant plans, but did want to attend some Lady Raider basketball games, read, and listen to some old music...
So, Thursday and Friday, I slept in. By Saturday, I was ready to get up early, as I would for work, and Sunday was the same. That was okay. It was just good to have days in which I could relish the relaxing pace and calm, peaceful activities in which I engaged. That was great. I commented previously on the benefit of a vacation weekend I took, in "The Vacation Lingers." Sometimes, the relaxed pace and pleasurable activities really help to make a long weekend a pleasant one.
So, Monday morning, it was time to return to work. I really like my job: I am payed reasonably well, I am well respected by my colleagues, and I am able to help the patients on my caseload. This is a winning combination.
But, this morning, I would have appreciated more time off...I am really excited that I will have more time off at Christmas: December 24, 2010 and return to work January 3, 2011
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