Friday, February 19, 2010

Writer's Block Again

I have previously written about writer's block (6.8.08) That blog had to do with not having the mental calm to allow me to write. 

I had writer's block tonight, because I could not think of something to write... After writing something for the last 12 days, tonight I was stuck... Last night, I had two ideas, so I stored one for a day when I have writer's block...But, I chose not to resort to that tonight.

Sometimes, just opening the blog site stimulates me, and I tried that... It did not work.  But, I went through all of my previous 62 posts, and labeled them.  I can not believe I have been blogging for 4 and a half years.  My first blog was in October of 2005.  And then nothing until 2006.  2007 and 2008 saw regular blogs, but still sporadic.  Very few in 2009...

Now, I have blogged for the last 12 days.  And, today I was stumped... I am amazed at the fact that I had actually 13 blogs in me... And now, 14. 

The cats were mentioned the most, then politics, with a lot of runner-ups...

I used to journal regularly... I still journal sometimes.  There are some thoughts that are SO personal, I can not share them with anyone.  The question then becomes, what happens to my journals... I have a boxful... I hope, as part of my burial ceremony, someone creates a bonfire with my journals as the fuel...

Does writing about writing count?  I do not know... but I did it, anyway...

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Blogger linda said...

Writing about writing counts!

February 23, 2010 1:56 PM  

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